WAWAK is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all users of its services, including those with disabilities. Therefore, WAWAK is working diligently with a team of professionals to assist us in developing, implementing and maintaining accessibility-related upgrades to in accordance with the Web Content Guidelines (WCAG) (
While we work to comply with WCAG, if you are experiencing difficulties accessing any content on our website, or if you require assistance accessing or using any part of our website because of your particular disability or otherwise, please contact us at toll-free at 8 0 0 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 and asking for our Accessibility Specialist, or by e-mailing us at and explaining in as much detail as possible the difficulty or problems you have had with our website and we will endeavor to response within two (2) business days. Our goal is to make sure that everyone who seeks to access our website is able to do so even if that means we need to provide additional assistance.
Third Party Content:
Our website may contain links to third-party sites or platforms, including social media sites. We do not control these third-party sites or platforms, so if you access any such third-party sites or platforms, you should check their terms of use, privacy policies and processes/procedures for digital accessibility and contact them if you have any questions or concerns about access.